Sex As A Form Of Therapy to Girls And How To Heal
I was having a conversation with some women about sex and self-esteem. Reading my post on sexuality means I encourage women to accept their sexuality but this conversation was the…
Discussing An Under-reported Torture To Girls – Breast Ironing
I wish we didn’t live in a world where girls have to physically and psychologically abused to feel safe and still not be safe. Breast Ironing/ flattening is the ironing…
Effects of lack of sanitary towels on Nigerian girls
I came across a tweet on Twitter. it was centered on sanitary towels being free. The Twitter user made the statement that “Saying pads should be free because it’s not…
Get To Know me – Too much Information tag
Welcome back to my blog and I AM SORRY for not apologizing for being away in my last post, I traveled to Ondo state for my convocation and had to…
Packing light was not something that came naturally to me, I hate having regrets after traveling so I used to overpack – not wear more than half of what I…
How I Lost My Blog content and Hosting Advice For Bloggers
There is no Shame in Beginning Again, for you get a chance to build bigger & better than before – Welcome! Beginning Again. – Losing my content made me…