Welcome back to my blog and I AM SORRY for not apologizing for being away in my last post, I traveled to Ondo state for my convocation and had to visit my BEAUTIFUL grandmother.

I decided to do this fun and actually too much information tag I did on my old blog, I wanted to answer all the questions you have about me in a blog post but I will do that in a live video soon (I asked for questions on Instagram). You should follow me on Instagram @olotufunke


Let’s begin with the too much information tag. Shall we?

Do I sound like Klaus in The Originals? Who else watches? I love the movie!

TMI tag

What are you wearing?

A free-size blue dress with detailed white painted-like dots with ‘Bonjour’ written on it.

Ever been in love?


Ever had a terrible breakup?

Oh yes! My first relationship

How tall are you?

5’6.5’7,5’8? Who knows

How much do you weigh?

I don’t know and you’re never supposed to ask a lady that question, remember?

Any tattoos?


For now. *Big evil grin

Any piercings?

I don’t even have ear piercings.

Favorite show

The Wendy Williams show.

Favorite bands?

Yinka Ayefele & co ­They count right?

Something you miss?

Warmth, my fun university days, and sometimes my hair

Why did I cut my Natural Hair, Reason, Reaction, and Regrets? Do Men Find Me Less Attractive?

Favorite song

This is hard. Every song on Asa’s Album

How old are you?

My age is somewhere on my INSTAGRAM page.

Zodiac sign?

LIBRA *winks and says, BABY

What quality do you look for in a partner?

Mental maturity, Emotional maturity, understanding, patient, humble, understanding of how to handle a lady like me, goal-oriented, very smart, and spontaneous. I’ll stop before you people start giving me clay to mold my partner

Favorite Quote?

Favorite actor?

Dwayne Johnson (The rock)

Favorite color?

Yellow (every shade of it)

Loud music or soft?

Both. Depends on where I am mentally

Where do you go when you’re sad?

My head, overthink till I’m very sad then vent to my friends.

How long does it take you to shower?

10-25 minutes, I’m not trying to wash away my sins.

Ever been in a physical fight?


Turn on

Confidence baby, saying the right things, and self-respect

Turn off?

Being careless with words, not understanding feminism

The reason I started blogging.

To help girls like me find their place in their bodies by providing information they can relate to and benefit from. Read more on my About page and About me


Being taken for granted because of how I love my friends, Rape, and Regrets

Last thing that made you cry

An Instagram video of a navy officer surprising his mom on her birthday with his presence

Last time you said you loved someone?

Today! To Ayomide and my little brother

Meaning behind your Youtube/Blogging Name?

I use my name because this space is an extension of myself

Last book you read?

Rich dad, poor dad by Robert Kiyosaki

The book you’re currently reading?

About to start second chance for your money, your life, and our world by Robert Kiyosaki

Last show you watched

The real

The last person, you talked to

My little brother

The relationship between you and the person you last texted

Love affair

Favorite food

Amala & Ewedu with gbegiri soup. I also love boiled yam and fried egg

Place you want to visit?


Last place you were?

Ermmm… downstairs, in the sitting room

Do you have a crush?

Yes, not to sound cocky but on myself

Last time you kissed someone?

Last month.

What instruments do you play?

A flute

Favorite piece of jewelry?

I’m not a jewelry girl

Last sport you played?


Last song you sang?

Avicii – The Nights

8 Business Lessons For The Leading Woman From The Sisters Network Event

Favorite chat up line?

Good old fashioned ‘How are you’ and please don’t ‘cht lyk dis’

Have you ever used it


Last time you hung out with anyone

Two Nights ago

Who should answer these questions next?

Anyone interested? So yeah. This is an open tag, link back to this post if you decide to post, I’ll love to read about you.

What do we have in common? What are you surprised to know about? Let me know below.



By Olotu Funke

Olotu Funke is a baddie keen on existing fully, documenting her journey with Skin Positivity, Mental Health, Personal Style, and the Life in between.

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