Last Notes on 2018, How to Conquer 2019 Goals
Writing this with mixed feelings, I’m happy and grateful to be in the new year with my family and friends but I’m sad that I had a lot planned before…
Writing this with mixed feelings, I’m happy and grateful to be in the new year with my family and friends but I’m sad that I had a lot planned before…
Disappointment after NYSC seems to be the order of the day and it’s just getting worse with the economy going downwards, I went for a job interview about 3 weeks…
Hello dear reader, it’s been a minute since you’ve heard from me, I apologize and I hope to fill you in on why I’ve been away, where I am presently…
I read a tweet on how black girls are often conditioned to tie so much of our self-worth to our hair, how we are being bombarded with hair growth obsession…
I was invited to an event at the civic lab by one of the speakers. I didn’t know what the event was going to be about and That was one…
Welcome back to my blog and I AM SORRY for not apologizing for being away in my last post, I traveled to Ondo state for my convocation and had to…
Packing light was not something that came naturally to me, I hate having regrets after traveling so I used to overpack – not wear more than half of what I…
There is no Shame in Beginning Again, for you get a chance to build bigger & better than before – Welcome! Beginning Again. – Losing my content made me…