black bald girl

Hi? I actually don’t know what to say. It’s been so long since you’ve heard from me.

A lot has happened this year, the COVID-19 virus, the BLM movement, the SARS protest & more.

I’m glad you’re here. Breathing, with me. That’s enough. Really, this year has been a lot.

The reason for my unplanned break is not news to some of you but for the sake of new readers or existing readers that don’t follow me on social media.

I’ll explain.

Some months back, my blog was hacked; the hacker took complete control of my blog but I was able to get it back, lost all my contents because I panicked and uninstalled something I should not have.

With the help of my tech friends and a stranger ( I still don’t know what he looks like) I was able to get things back up.

Not all of it but enough to remind me that I’ve not lost everything.

That did not mean that it didn’t take its toll on me. I was very exhausted. I was dealing with a job that required a lot of effort. Hell, living required a lot of effort. I was tired, sad, and very discouraged especially because it had happened before. I had to start again and again?

Sometimes, I asked myself if I would stop blogging, out of frustration, I might have considered it but it never fully settled in.

I needed to take my time to deal with it. I had and continue to give a lot to my blog and for someone to try take that hard work away from me. It was not fair, it was scary.

stop blogging? olotu funke

I took my time and It brought me back here. To you.

I have so much to share, 2020 has been a year of growth. The growth that was necessary, growth that didn’t give me a choice.

I feel like it was for you too, am I right?

I’m posting this as an “I’m back post” before we get into the juice of all I have to share.

Have you missed me? I have. And to be sure that I still have access to you if this ever happens again (I deeply pray not). I’ll love to have your email address, to send you a love letter or two.


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Talk to you soon.



My earrings are from ArtXJuju


By Olotu Funke

Olotu Funke is a baddie keen on existing fully, documenting her journey with Skin Positivity, Mental Health, Personal Style, and the Life in between.

5 thoughts on “Did I Stop Blogging? Here’s Why I was Away”
  1. First time here, looking forward to this blog. I’ve lost photos on my phone/computer multiple times and it hurt ’cause I love to keep stuff but never take the appropriate mesasures to back them up on a cloud. I can’t imagine how it was like to get hacked/lose content twice! So sorry about that

    1. Thank you so much Seun, I am sure you will enjoy it here. it was painful, I am happy to be past it now.
      I love to keep things toooo

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