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Life Lately – Living in the UK, Therapy, Cook with Funke…

Olotu funke in Bournemouth University

It’s been a minute since you’ve heard from me, I’m trying to ease into creating content and not overthink it. Being a perfectionist makes me not consistent.

Here’s Life Lately with me

Living in the UK

As most of you know, I moved to the UK for my Master’s Degree in Media and Communications in December last year. It was the first time in my adult life that I left the country and living alone. The culture shock has been wild. My first one was leaving the Airport and it was dark at past 5.

Trying new things

One thing I’ve picked up on that I now love and enjoy is cooking.
Yes! Cooking. While I was in Nigeria I always felt like I loved it, I just could not express it as much cause I needed to be in my space.

I’m enjoying it, I opened an Instagram page @cookwithfunke to share recipes and cooking tips, I am still learning myself so I cannot wait to have a community of people like me.

I plan to share recipes on my blog because why not? I’m not sure what I’ll get out of sharing my love for cooking but I know it’s enjoyable and I’ll keep doing it until I don’t want to.

Watched my first live drag show
If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know I love drag shows. I was invited by my friend and his partner to a show and it was amazing. I was gagging. I watched Snow White and the 7 drag Queens.

Indian restaurant
Tried an Indian restaurant with my friend Vaishnavi, it was refreshing seeing how other cultures also eat with their hands. It sparked an interest in me in travelling to India for food.

The ghetto part

I paid rent some days back and I need someone to check on me. My account balance is not okay. Well, I’m happy we are in salary week.


Right now I’m chasing my Assignments deadlines and my Job’s goals. I intend to have a fun summer period but for the next 25 days. I have to work a lot. I even have an assignment deadline for the 27th that I am yet to start. Pray for me.

5 Things I’m Grateful for even with…


I started therapy again, I had started in 2019/2020 but I stopped, I’m not sure why, to be honest. I realized that I needed it because living here comes with a lot. I am used to living with family and having people around even if I enjoy my space. the fact that I have not seen my family was starting to get to me among other things.


I am slowly but surely finding my friends here and it’s such a great feeling. Sometimes, I just remember how much fun I used to have in Nigeria and get sad but if I keep doing that and don’t actively seek out amazing friends and fun things I will just be living here and not enjoy it.

This is pretty much life lately with me, I hope you enjoyed reading this. What’s up with you? Tell me below

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