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How to Do a Digital Detox Without Pulling the Plug Completely

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Most people equate doing a digital detox to going ghost-mode on all social media platforms or logging off from every digital device but this method is too extreme, especially for people who are new to digital detox-ing

With digital detox apps that are more prevalent these days such as Freedom App which focuses on screen time control to Stay Free’s time tracking app, it is evident that your mental health would benefit from reducing your device use, but cutting back on your phone and other tech connections is not necessary to undertake a digital detox.

Verywellmind’s article highlights the American Psychological Association’s annual Stress in America survey, which states that a fifth of U.S. adults (around 18%) cited technology use as a significant source of stress in their lives.

Just like a doctor wouldn’t prescribe drugs for the sake of taking them, here are tell signs that you might need a digital detox;

If you can at least resonate with two or three signs, then you might need to do a digital detox.

Meaning of Digital Detox?

This generally means taking a break from using electronic devices or certain media for some time, which may vary from a few days to months. This is peculiar to each individual as some might want to take a break from social media, while others would prefer gadgets in general.

Either way, while technology has undoubtedly transformed our lives in many positive ways, it’s essential to take a step back from the digital chaos and engage in a digital detox to maintain our well-being. The benefits of engaging in digital detox are endless but I would love to mention a few which include:

Intentional Ways to Start Practising Digital Detox


If your work is mostly digital-based, it would be advisable to prioritize scheduling time from screens throughout the day. You could be creative with this by making your lunchtime screen-free, going for a walk or a run, or even taking a short nap. A good tip would be to set an alarm or a reminder on your phone to be able to build a consistent habit. Always remember to leave your phone or gadget behind and do something else.

Be realistic with your digital detox goals

Being completely disconnected can be overwhelming to beginners who would love to try digital detoxing which is why it’s advisable to start small by being realistic. If you are the type of person who can handle turning off notifications for the day, I would recommend you start with that as opposed to deleting all the social networking apps from your phone. Doing the latter would only make you want to download it all over again and leave you feeling sad about not sticking to a particular goal.

If you need your devices for work during the day, your best bet would be to stay clear from them at night time and focus your attention on your other hobbies.

Turn off your notifications

As earlier mentioned, turning off your notifications is a simple but effective way to practice digital detox. Another smart way to handle this would be to set aside a specific time each day to check your messages and mentions. You could start slowly by setting a limit of 20 minutes to catch up and respond to pending messages, rather than quickly grabbing your device whenever you get a new notification.

Create No-Phone Areas

You could decide to keep your devices from certain areas in your house. For instance, you could ban phones and screens from the bedroom as this would keep screens from interfering with your sleep and if you have to go to another room or part of your home to use your gadgets, it can keep you from mindlessly scrolling.

Find Offline Hobbies

Develop non-screen-based interests. Activities that take place offline, such as cooking, hiking, drawing, or playing an instrument, can provide you with a sense of contentment and well-being.

Your well-being can be significantly enhanced by incorporating a digital detox into your self-care regimen. Remember that striking a good balance is more important than getting rid of all digital gadgets from your life. You’ll be more capable of handling the digital space without compromising your mental, physical, or emotional well-being if you follow these self-care recommendations and permit yourself to unplug once in a while. Your health will appreciate you for it.

Pro Tip: You should check out Retreat Guru’s website to discover digital detox retreat sessions or read Tanya Goodin’s Digital Detox book while you take the much-needed break that you deserve.

Until next time,


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